
Describe what was done from the placement of the leaf packs

Describe what was done from the placement of the leaf packs, to their collection, and lab identification. Do not put the actual data or discussion here; just what was done.

Data - present in tables and/or graphics, the results of your analysis. Write in complete sentence form to introduce to the reader to your data example, "Table 1 shows the categories of macroinvertebrates, and the numbers of macroinvertebrates found/identified in each category". Do this for your group's leafpack, only. Put as much detail as you can into describing what you found in your leafpack. Do not interpret the findings here; that goes in the next section. Describe the stream habitat for your leaf pack.

Discussion (Analysis) and Conclusions

What do your data say? How do they confirm or contradict your hypothesis (and/or the hypothesis of others)? How do your data compare with other groups? Show the summary data (tallied numbers) for the other groups and discuss the findings in the context of water and habitat quality. Be more specific when discussing your own leafpack. What are the implications to the food chain (birds, frogs, fish, etc.)?

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Reference No:- TGS01067174

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