Describe what the final deal was that you negotiated

Problem: Negotiation Role Play Reflection

I) Bradford development case analysis.

1) Describe what you were negotiating for and with whom (as well as their full title and the organization). Also include why you were conducting this negotiation.

2) Describe where you negotiated and what took place. (a brief overview of the activities of the negotiation).

II) Planning

1) What were your Target Point(s), Resistance Points(s), Opening Offer, and BATNA? (Please briefly explain each one).

Opening point:
Resistance point:

2) What was/were your strategy(ies) and tactics you planned to use? (briefly explain)

III) The Deal

1) Describe (starting with clear bullet points) what the final deal was that you negotiated.

2) Were your proposed strategy & tactics successful? Why or why not? (Be sure to explain clearly)

3) Did your strategy/tactics change during the negotiation process? Why and how? (Please explain)

4) Why did you achieve the settlement that you did? (In other words, what was it you were thinking about, feeling, concerned about, etc.?

IV) Take-Away Learning

1) What would you do differently (or more of) next time? (Explain)

2) What learning are you taking away from this negotiation that you can apply to any negotiation or bargaining you will encounter in the future?

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Business Management: Describe what the final deal was that you negotiated
Reference No:- TGS03237344

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