
Describe what product or service you will be selling how

Question 1: Calculating Revenue

Before identifying costs in a new business, it is necessary to calculate revenue. All costs will be based on your anticipated revenue because costs are generated based on what it takes to produce the product for sale. This module you are going to think about your new business and determine what the first year in sales looks like.

• Describe what product or service you will be selling.

• How much will you charge for your product or service?

• How many units of the product or service do you anticipate being able to sell over the first year?

This is a good time to dream, but also to be realistic. The beginning period in any company is challenging and realistic planning is crucial for success. Based on your estimates, build a table, in Microsoft Excel, showing the quantities sold of each item or service, the dollar amount charged for each, and the total anticipated revenue. Your table should reflect sales by the month and then an annual total. Include your table as an attachment to your initial discussion response.

Question 2: Cost Drivers

This module you are learning about cost drivers. You will be adding costs to your budget. You want to consider several types of expenses.

• What materials and labor will be necessary to produce your product for sale?

• What overhead costs will be necessary?

Based on your estimates, continue your table started in your Question 1 discussion. Add a section for direct materials' costs, direct labor costs, and overhead costs. At this point, you are only considering costs directly required to produce your product or service. You are not considering indirect costs, such as office rent and advertising expenses. Make sure you describe how you are determining each amount. For instance, with labor, how many employees do you anticipate needing and what will you be paying each employee? For materials, what materials are necessary, how much of each material will be needed, and what will the cost be? Once you have completed this section of your budget, your table should reflect the sales dollars anticipated and the direct costs necessary to earn those sales. At this point in the budget process, you are now able to add the projected gross profit to your budget (sales - cost of goods sold). Include your table as an attachment to your initial discussion response.

Question 3: Administrative Costs

You are now ready to add administrative costs to your budget. Please discuss the types of administrative costs that will be required for your business.

• Will you need to rent a building or will your business be home-based?

• Will you need to advertise?

• Will you require electricity and other utilities?

• Will you need a manager to oversee the business?

Think about any administrative costs that will be required to get the business started and to operate over the first year. Add these costs to your spreadsheet in the next category called selling and administrative expenses. Once you have added these costs, you are ready to calculate your projected net income for each month and for the year. Add that as the final amount on your spreadsheet. Include your table as an attachment to your initial discussion response.

Question 4 (Three Page executive Summary): Course Project

Now you need to sell your product or service. You need to convince prospective lending sources that you can achieve your dreams and build a profitable enterprise.

Prepare an executive summary and a three-page paper, in APA format, selling your business idea to the lending source of your choice. Remember, you need to be both factual and persuasive.

• Describe your business.

• Explain your expenses.

• Specify your financial needs for the first year.

• How will you use the lender's money to create profit and repay the loan?

• Use your budget as support for your claims. In your supporting evidence you should include a break-even calculation in dollars to strengthen your repayment plans discussion.

Be sure to format your paper and cite any sources using APA style.

• You may use this APA Citation Helper as a guide.

• This APA formatting handout will help you set up your essay using APA style.

Save your paper as a Microsoft Word document named LastnameFirstInitial_ACC202_M5A2. Submit your document to the Submissions Areaby the due date assigned.

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Accounting Basics: Describe what product or service you will be selling how
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