1. Describe what kind of team member you are. Remember: the Johari Window; the True Colours Personality test; How you approach conflict; or, Active Listening techniques. When answering these questions, ensure you incorporate responses to the following:
a. Having learned more about how to be a good team member, what strengths do you bring to the group as a member of a team?
b. Having learned more about how to be a good team member, what skills could you (further) develop to be a better group member for future group work tasks?
2. Having learned more about how to create a healthy and productive team environment, what actions and steps would you take to encourage to ensure a successful group project/outcome? Remember: Healthy group climates; the usefulness of difference; and decision making strategies. Be specific about what steps you would take to ensure these best practices are met; e.g. what might you do in your next project to accommodate difference among group members?
3. What best practices might you use in future courses or large-scale projects? Remember: team roles (various); best practices in group writing (Chapter 4); conflict resolution strategies; and meeting strategies. Again, be specific about how you might initiate these best practices.