
Describe what is meant by the term lsquowhistle-blowing


Business report giving an ethical analysis of a case study on whistle-blowing.

Learning Outcomes

This assessment task relates to the following learning outcomes:

• K1. Research and discuss underpinning theories of ethical philosophy and apply these in to a range of scenarios in an IT workplace environment.
• K2. Interpret the principles of the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics and synthesize them into daily IT practice.
• S2. Utilise professional presentation and communication approaches in a range of IT workplace settings.
• A1. Construct written and verbal arguments in a variety of formats on the evolving nature of ethical norms relating to new technologies.
• V3. Value ethical decision making approaches when working as an IT professional.

Case Study

From what is available in the public arena, choose any case study that features a whistle-blower. Because the ethics of whistle-blowing is common to a variety of organisations, it doesn't need to be related to IT. Only a few details of the actual case will be needed, so a case which gives a lengthy description is not required. One source that is worth looking at is the website of the organisation Whistleblowers Australia.


Prepare a business report of about 1500 words that gives an ethical analysis of the issues raised in the case study. In particular include in the report responses to the following sub-tasks:

• Describe what is meant by the term ‘whistle-blowing' from various points of view such as law-makers, senior management and those considering becoming whistle-blowers;
• From your case study, explain the consequences to all stakeholders both of whistle-blowing and of not whistleblowing; include the personal consequences to your potential whistle-blower;
• Explain fully all the ethical responsibilities belonging to the potential whistle-blower in your case study;
• Discuss the evidence from the case study that suggests where the potential whistle-blower is showing care;
• Assume your potential whistle-blower belongs to a professional society with similar ethical values to the ACS. The ACS Code of Professional Conduct extends the meaning of the six ethical values with requirements that contribute to observing the values. Examine the code and identify requirements (using value numbers 1-6 and a requirement letter) that are relevant to this case study. Explain for each requirement identified how it should be applied in your case study.
• In most case studies, the whistle-blower has already made the decision to act; in the conclusion to your report indicate what advice you would have given your potential whistle-blower before the decision to blow the whistle was finally made; base this advice on what you have written in the body of the report; summarize the arguments for and against your advice.

The description of each of the six ACS ethical values is amplified by several requirements. Refer to the ACS Code of Professional Conduct,

url: https://www.acs.org.au/ data/assets/pdf_file/0014/4901/Code-of-Professional-Conduct_v2.1.pdf

Standards Required

1. The structure of the business report should be as described in the source at: https://unilearning.uow.edu.au/report/4b.html 1 Additional headings should be used within the body of the report as appropriate.

2. The introduction section should clearly indicate the issues being discussed and provide an overview of how it is intended to address these issues.

3. The body section of the report should show an analysis of research undertaken that is synthesised with your own ideas. Writing should be validated with concepts from other people's work. Gather these references from various sources such as the Internet and relevant assigned reference books.

4. The conclusion should be in your own words and should not introduce new material.

5. All uses of source material (including paraphrasing) should be acknowledged with both in-text citations and corresponding entries in the reference list.

APA format is to be used. Refer to the APA citation style in the General guide to referencing at:
https://federation.edu.au/ data/assets/pdf_file/0015/164121/FedUni-General-Guide-to-Referencing-2014.pdf

6. Adhere to academic writing standards such as correct grammar and spelling. Demonstrate signposting in your writing.

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Case Study: Describe what is meant by the term lsquowhistle-blowing
Reference No:- TGS01224007

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