
Describe what happened what specific safety measures were


Prepare a research paper from one of the following:

1. Research a recent (within the last three years) hazardous materials incident on U.S. roadways involving trucking and describe what happened, what specific safety measures were and were not followed, and how the accident might have been avoided or results of the accident reduced.

2. Research a recent (within the last three years) major accident on roadways of the U.S. involving a truck/trailer combination that resulted in major damage or major injuries. Describe the factors leading up to the accident and how application of specific principles you have learned in this course could have either prevented the accident or reduced the damages.

3. Research a major terrorism incident involving use of a vehicle as a weapon (within the last three years) anywhere in the world and describe what specific measures could have been taken to prevent the incident or to lessen its impact.

The paper should be at least five to seven pages in length, be written using APA format and have the following elements:

- Cover sheet
- Introduction
- Description of accident
- Specific measures or factors listed that were not followed or led up to the accident
- Recommendations as to what specifically could have been done to prevent or reduce damage from the accident/incident
- A conclusion section giving a summary to support your views/ideas

*Please include all cited material referenced in the correct spots in the research paper in order to be looked up and verified.

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Dissertation: Describe what happened what specific safety measures were
Reference No:- TGS02426454

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