Ms Eliza Murphy D.O.B. 12/1/2000 Eliza has been brought into the Emergency Department (E.D) via Ambulance. She was the driver in a motor vehicle collision and was not wearing a seat belt. The paramedics stated that there was significant damage to the car on the driver's side. You have been allocated to care for Eliza on this shift. Eliza is 23 years old. She states she is somewhat unsure what happened and is asking where she is. She is complaining of some shortness and sore all over. Vital Signs are: BP: 90/40mmHg, HR: 140 beats/min, RR: 26 breaths/min; O2 Saturations: 90% with 2L via nasal prongs. Decreased breath sounds on left side of chest GCS = 14; pupils slightly unequal 4cm head laceration, bleeding controlled. Consider the patient situation - Perform an A - E assessment
Describe what Eliza's most likely life-threatening injuries and nursing priorities.