
Describe what contemporary psychologist mean by terms schema


I. At least four distinct forms of encoding have been theorized to exist in long-term memory. For each of these four forms of encoding, (i) explain how information is stored in long-term memory, and (ii) give an example to illustrate your explanation.

• Encoding in terms of physical characteristics
• Encoding in terms of actions
• Encoding in terms of symbols
• Encoding in terms of meanings

II. Describe three of the following perspectives regarding concept learning, and compare and contrast them regarding their usefulness in explaining how people acquire concepts:

• Prototypes
• Exemplars
• Buildup of associations
• Hypothesis testing

III. Describe what contemporary psychologists mean by the terms schema, script, personal theory, and worldview, and explain how each of these can influence learning and memory. Use concrete examples to illustrate your discussion.

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Reference No:- TGS03248211

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