Assignment task: In the following, refer to the video "Water Conflict: Water Diplomacy."
Question 1: What is meant by the speaker's statement that water scarcity is a distributional issue?
Question 2: What is meant by the "political economy drives water use" and how is it applied to asparagus in the Ica Valley in Peru?
Question 3: Why does the author say "Don't blame climate change" when it comes to situations where rivers or lakes have dried up?
Question 4: What are the three takeaway messages about global food trade and its impact on water resources?
Question 5: Why do water conflicts need diplomacy?
Question 6: Explain the upstream-downstream conflicts in the Tigris and Euphrates basin.
Question 7: What countries that have the power in the Jordan, Tigris and Euphrates, and the Nile basins and why is this important?
Question 8: Why have some countries not signed the UN Watercourses Convention international water agreement?