
Describe walmart animal welfare statement

Question: This is an summarized excerpt from Walmart's animal welfare statement: They state their goal of promoting animal welfare within their company's supply chain and include that this goal is grounded in the Five Freedoms.  They state four main strategies for carrying out this goal, including consulting with those in the industry such as animal welfare experts, suppliers, veterinarians, and non-governmental organizations.  Additionally, components they include in their discussion on upholding their goal are utilization of Assurance Programs which oversee the egg and swine production systems that supply the company.  They also state their suppliers are asked to implement "innovative housing systems", when possible, to increase animal welfare.  The last component of Walmart's strategy is centered around their request of suppliers to adopt the practice of "judicious use of antibiotics".  They also include hurdles that stand in the way of reaching goals set by the company, such as transitioning to 100% cage free eggs from their suppliers.  The hurdles center around government regulations and consumer price increases.  

Comment on the comprehensibility and transparency of the statement. Is it detailed, and does it help to envision the actual animal care practices? Is it transparent enough to grow someone's trust in the corporation? Be specific. Comment on the aspect(s) one would emulate or change for Nestle's welfare statement (for comparison), and why.

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Other Subject: Describe walmart animal welfare statement
Reference No:- TGS03416623

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