
Describe very briefly the article dna of an entire nation

Describe very briefly the article "DNA of 'an entire nation' assessed" By James Gallagher.

This should be a critique/reflection - do you agree with points made in the article? What additional questions do you have?

· How does your reflection relate directly to our course - add citations to course readings or lecture dates

· A couple of paragraphs to a page

· Post your write-up and comments on the Blog page on Blackboard


· You will present one article in a group of 3-4 people on the Thursday on which you signed up (on the Wiki page on blackboard). You will have 15 minutes total to present.

· By the Monday before your group presentation, each member of a group should have submitted a potential article and as a group you should come to consensus on which article you will present. You will send a link to Dr. Giordano before midnight on the Tuesday before your presentation so that I can send it out to the class.

· Your group will present the article by having a conversation with each other about the following:

o What is the main point of the article?

o What are the most interesting points of the article?

o How is it related to our class? (be specific)

o How is it relevant to a general public audience?

o What impact might the findings and/or reporting have on "society"?

o What questions do you have for the scientists and/or the reporter - for example, about how the study was conducted, why the study was conducted or how the study was reported? If it is not about a study, adjust the questions to match the kind of story it is.

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English: Describe very briefly the article dna of an entire nation
Reference No:- TGS01063027

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