
Describe typical house-descriptive statistical tecnique


LT Project Guidelines (SUBJECT LINE: LT C PROJECT)

Assume you have a real estate investor client who wants you to answer some specific questions about housing in the neighborhood encompassed by the 5 townships in your Real Estate Data Set. Further assume that you have collected this random sample in an effort to answer your client's questions using statistical tools.

1. Describe the typical house using descriptive statistical techniques by analysis of the mean, standard deviation, 95% confidence interval, and sample size adequacy for the following variables:

Selling Price
Number of bedrooms
Number of Bathrooms
Square feet of house
Distance from city center

2. A local real estate firm Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe, Real Estate Company, has told your client that the average house in this area is valued at $260,000. Your client wants you to evaluate this claim using a One Sample t Test For The Mean.

3. Is there a relationship between sales price and whether or not there is a swimming pool? A garage? Use a Two Sample t to answer these two questions.

4. Your client wants to know the probability of a house selling for less than $200,000 and the probability of a house selling for over $300,000.

5. Your client wants information on square footage as it relates to price. Divide the square footage into two categories, large square footage and small square footage. Determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the selling price of large square footage houses and low square footage houses. This would be a two sample comparison.

Write a research report that answers these questions and any other questions, you want to add, to help your client understand the factors which give rise to real estate values in the defined area.

Your research report should conform to the following outline strategy. I prefer you use the following basic outline to write the final research report although Cooper can outline several different report formats or you can make up one of your own. Remember that your client is not a statistician and it may be important to ensure the answers to his basic questions are up front and the technical issues are in the back part of the report.







7. APPENDIX (data or analytical processes or results that helps elaborate on your research project... e.g. )

Attachment:- ESTATE DATA.rar

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Basic Statistics: Describe typical house-descriptive statistical tecnique
Reference No:- TGS01896986

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