
Describe types of intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration

Assignment task:

Blog: Intra- And Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Imagine that you are a DNP-prepared nurse responsible for overseeing a large intensive care unit (ICU). You have noticed that in the past three months, the number of nosocomial, or hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), has dramatically increased among patients who have undergone cardiovascular procedures. You would like to initiate a practice study to determine the source of these HAIs and to improve patient outcomes in your ICU.

What types of intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration might be needed to support the goals of this practice study?

One example of intra-disciplinary collaboration is that you might meet with the nursing manager in charge of your unit and ask to set up a brainstorming session with the nurses on the unit to explore their perceptions of why the HAIs have increased among patients who have undergone cardiovascular procedures. An example of interdisciplinary collaboration is that you might team up with an infection prevention specialist (who may be a PhD-prepared nurse or PhD-credentialed healthcare professional) who can address the problem from an alternative perspective. These are just two of many potential intra- and interprofessional collaborations that may take place in an advanced nursing practice situation like this. Keep in mind that when intra- and interprofessional colleagues work together toward a shared, patient-centric goal, both the quality and cost of the care delivered will be optimized (Johnson & Johnson, 2016).


Johnson & Johnson. (2023, September 10). Nursing: The importance of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.

Weekly Resources:

  • Document: Nursing Communities of Practice Template Download Nursing Communities of Practice Template(PDF)
  • Africa, L., Frantz, J. M., & Mlenzana, N. B. (2023). Activities to promote interprofessional practice at primary healthcare level: A systematic review. Social and Health Sciences, Article 12130.
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2021). The essentials: Core competencies for professional nursing education
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (n.d.). The essentials: Domain 6: Interprofessional partnerships
  • Bradley, C., & Bleich, M. (2024). The DNP graduate and the potential to advance nursing: An interview with thought leader Michael Bleich, PhD, RN, FAAN, by Carol Bradley, MSN, RN, FAONL. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 48(1), 80-82.
  • Interprofessional Education Collaborative. (2023, November 20). IPEC core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Version 3
  • Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Healthy people in action
  • Ho, J. T., See, M. T. A., Tan, A. J. Q., Levett-Jones, T., Lau, T. C., Zhou, W., & Liaw, S. Y. (2023). Healthcare professionals' experiences of interprofessional collaboration in patient education: A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, 113, Article 107965.
  • King, R. J., Heisey-Grove, D. M., Garrett, N., Scott, K. A., Daley, M. F., Haemer, M. A., Podila, P., Block, J. P., Carton, T., Gregorowicz, A. J., Mork, K. P., Porter, R. M., Chudnov, D. L., Jellison, J., Kraus, E. M., Harrison, M. R., Sucosky, M. S., Armstrong, S., & Goodman, A. B. (2022).The childhood obesity data initiative: A case study in implementing clinical-community infrastructure enhancements to support health services research and public health. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 28(2), E430-E440.
  • McLaney, E., Morassaei, S., Hughes, L., Davies, R., Campbell, M., & Di Prospero, L. (2022). A framework for interprofessional team collaboration in a hospital setting: Advancing team competencies and behaviours. Healthcare Management Forum, 35(2), 112-117.
  • Merriam, D., Wiggs, C., Provencio, R., Goldschmidt, K., Bonnett, P., Valazza, V., Brodhead, J., Scardaville, D., & Stalter, A. (2022). Concept analysis of systems thinking in the context of interprofessional practice and improved patient outcomes. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(4), E20-E25.
  • O'Leary, N., Salmon, N., O'Donnell, M., Murphy, S., & Mannion, J. (2023). Interprofessional education and practice guide: Profiling readiness for practice-based IPEL. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37(1), 150-155.
  • Ruebling, I., Eggenberger, T., Frost, J. S., Gazenfried, E., Greer, A., Khalili, H., Ochs, J., Ronnebaum, J., & Stein, S. M. (2023). Interprofessional collaboration: A public policy healthcare transformation call for action. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 33, Article 100675.

Communities of Practice Resources:

  • Adler, R. H., &Sickora, C. (2023). Research, practice and teaching united: Implementing AACN academic guidelines in a community based behavioral health setting. Journal of Professional Nursing, 49, 21-25.
  • Bekemeier, B., Kuehnert, P., Zahner, S. J., Johnson, K. H., Kaneshiro, J., & Swider, S. M. (2021). A critical gap: Advanced practice nurses focused on the public's health. Nursing Outlook, 69(5), 865-874.
  • Corbo, S. A., & Flatekval, A. M. (2022). An academic-practice partnership to provide community vaccinations. Nursing Management, 53(3), 36-42.
  • Goglio, K., Crespin-Mazet, F., Simon, L., Cohendet, P., & Wenger-Trayner, E. (2023). Managing with communities for innovation, agility, and resilience. European Management Journal, 41(4), 534-539.
  • Groff, A. (2023). Community of practice (CoP). Salem Press Encyclopedia.
  • Shirey, M. R., Bruck, M., Patton, E., Bowers, D., & Watts, P. I. (2022). COVID-19 telehealth fair partnership for capacity building in primary care nursing. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 113-124.
  • Truax, F. N., Low, J., Mochizuki, T., Asfaha, S., Nguyen, T. N., Carson, M., Katrak, S., Shah, N., & Nguyen, D. (2022). Latent tuberculosis infection testing and treatment at a federally qualified health center in Southern California: A quality improvement projectLinks to an external site. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 37(2), 155-161.
  • UC Davis Health School of Medicine. (n.d.). Communities of practice: A toolkit

To prepare:

1. Review this week's Learning Resources, paying special attention to the various strategies mentioned to foster intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing practice.

2. Reflect on your own previous professional experiences with intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Consider the various intra- and interprofessional individuals and groups with whom you worked and the ways in which you interacted.
  • Choose one specific challenge you faced and reflect on how you and your colleagues overcame it.
  • Choose one specific opportunity you faced and reflect on how you and your colleagues embraced it.

Address the following in your Blog entry:

1. Describe one relevant professional experience you have had with intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Describe the various intra- and interprofessional individuals and groups with whom you worked and the ways in which you interacted.
  • Describe one specific challenge you faced and explain how you and your colleagues overcame it. Be specific.
  • Describe one opportunity you faced and explain how you and your colleagues embraced it. Be specific.

Read a selection of your colleagues' entries.

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Reference No:- TGS03440894

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