
Describe two potential challenges pertaining to culture


Read post below. Describe at least two potential challenges pertaining to culture and diversity that may factor into their presenting career or job-related concerns. In discussion, incorporate a relevant research article from the Capella Library that supports your claims with cited references.

Margaret begins the session explaining that her ex-husband had a successful career and her children are accustomed to a different lifestyle. She feels "worthless" because she has to constantly tell her children "no" when they want things. Margaret misses her "old life" where she could be active in the PTA at her children's schools, meet friends at lunch, and dedicate her evenings to shuttling her children to various activities. She believes that without a college degree she will never earn an income that will allow her to provide for her children like she did before her divorce. At the same time, she does not have the financial resources to pay tuition.

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