
Describe two key literary techniques and elements of drama

Respond to Peers: Respond to at least two of your classmates' initial posts. Each response should be at least 75 words in length and should address two or more of the following points:

• Do you agree with your classmates' perspectives? Why, or why not? Be specific.

• Ask a specific question to encourage further discussion on the topic.

• Challenge your classmates' interpretation of literature and/or point of view.

• Do a small amount of research and share what you learn with your peers on the topic discussed in this post.

• LaShanda Parker

• 75 Word Count Response

A conflict that I read in the story of Macbeth was individual versus self. I chose this conflict because Macbeth went back and forth within himself about killing the king. He was ambitious and wanted to be king but did not want to kill the king. In this section, "kinsman" means relative, also Macbeth states that he is the king's host. This means that he should be guarding and protecting the king, not plotting to kill him. These are two reasons why Macbeth does not want to proceed in killing the king. "First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself." (Clugston, 2014)

As the play progresses, Macbeths behavior becomes more violent because he is so paranoid of those around him because he feels guilty that he killed the king. This key conflict is individual verse society. He thinks that everyone, even his best friend, Banquo, is out to get him and knows what he has done.

Two key literary techniques and elements of drama that aid in developing the conflict are irony and imagery. Verbal irony is one of the elements I found because Macbeth invites Banquo for a banquet, but to find that Banquo never makes it because he is murdered by two men hired by Macbeth. Also, I found that situational irony was used when Malcom was speaking to Macduff about the situations going on in Ireland, not know that Macduff was the person who slayed Malcom's family.

As I read through the play, I understand that the conflict identified in the play relates to human nature and the human conditions because there are many times in life that we go back and forth within our own minds how the outcomes of situations will play out. Situations from good and bad often reflect on the words and beliefs of other people. As humans, we tend to listen and make decisions based off what other people say. Just like in the play, Macbeth did not want to kill King Duncan. However, Macbeth did what he did not want to do based on the word from Lady Macbeth.

She ultimately told her husband that he was not a man of his word because he said he wanted to be king but did not act to do so. Macbeth was known as a brave, skilled warrior and was loyal to King Duncan. He let the words of his wife take him to the dark side in the play. He then became paranoid and suspicious of all those around him because of the choice he made. The guilt of his actions was causing him to not sleep and to plot and plan the murder of others in the kingdom. The words of others can cause human nature to become dark and evil if we continue to let others influence our own thoughts and beliefs in life.


Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey Into LIterature.

Theresa Ortiz

• 75 Word Count Response

Describe two key literary techniques and elements of drama that aid in developing the conflict.

The conflict that catching my eye is the play between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. As Macbeth realizes the potential consequences of murdering King Duncan and reaching too far in his desire to be king (Clugston, R. 2014) to take the crown for himself, Lady Macbeth quickly convinces him to go against his own judgement and carry out the murder plot by ridiculing him, questioning his manliness, and basically ordering him to proceed in the killing.

Macbeth continuously finds it difficult with his own thoughts and making decisions throughout the play. It's effecting his ability to make decision throughout the play and trying to decipher what is right and wrong. When an opportunity presents its self in advance in his social standing; Macbeth ignores his obligations for loyalty. Which leads to follow evil instead which craves the desire for ambition and causes himself further emotional distress and guilt. Just by eliminating those would interfere with his goals.

Describe two key literary techniques and elements of drama that aid in developing the conflict.

First one would be foreshowing. When the sisters spoke that Macbeth would soon be the kings. They also spoke into existence that Banquo would not be king however his children will be in the future. Macbeth honestly believed the words of the sister and when he called on them in the cave, they gave him the guidance that he would not fear any man born from woman. Until Macduff told him that he was cut from his mother. That statement changed Macbeth's fears.

The second literary technique is tone. Throughout the entire story the tone that was set in a dark space. From the Murders that Lady Macbeth encouraged, she belittled him as man when he was second guessing the murders. Even with the description of the sisters, the description was very horrific and ugly.

Explain how the conflict identified in the play relates to human nature and the human condition.

The main conflict identified to me is Macbeth's greed and selfishness. He set his mind to believe what he was told and immediately set the plan in place that had no care for the people around.

He was at beginning a loyal and honest man before he met the sisters, which immediately took a turn for the left after he spoken to existence over about his future. That what happens when people take out the meaning of the purpose of your destination or purpose in your life. Must always stay humble in anything that occurs in your life.


Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey Into LIterature.

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