
Describe two ideas or views relating to socially

Think back on the issues of ethics and social responsibility you’ve been introduced to throughout the semester. In 500 words, you are required to reflect on two such issues and describe how the view or perspective you’ve gained on these issues might inform your current or future professional practice in the finance industry. Use the three-step reflective framework outlined below to structure your response. (You may use some or all of the suggested prompts listed in bullet points within each step to focus your response, or give your response a different focus.)

1. Description (What?):

Describe two ideas or views relating to socially responsible behaviour and practices within the finance industry that you connect with most in this unit.

2. Interpretation(So what?):

Why have you chosen these two ideas or views?

Why do you relate to these issues especially?

What is it about these two views that stand out to you?

What comes to mind when you think about these ideas or views?

Why are these two views or ideas important to you?

3. Outcome (Now what?)

How might you relate to, or apply, or even extend these ideas these as a practitioner?

Explain how you think the understanding you’ve gained on these views or ideas might inform your professional practice?

How might your behaviour or decisions change based on the views or ideas you’ve written about in this task?

How might these idea or views be extended into new work situations relevant to you?

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Financial Management: Describe two ideas or views relating to socially
Reference No:- TGS02866464

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