
Describe two ethical theories and one ethical perspective

Paper Draft Homework

Length: 1500 to 1800 words.

Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums.

Choose one of the following topics for your paper:

i. Corporate contributions to political campaigns
ii. Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex
iii. The role and responsible use of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
iv. Corporate or government whistleblowing
v. Immigration reform in the US and/or abroad
vi. Gender and/or LGBTQIA equality in the workplace
vii. Gun violence and gun law reform
viii. Climate change and individual responsibility
ix. The legalization of recreational drugs

In your paper, you will apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts, aiming to be both balanced and intellectually driven in your work. You may share your personal views, but do not rely on opinions (yours or those offered by others) to make your case. Think about the evidence that helps to make your case and use it. For your rough draft, you need to include at least three scholarly sources in addition to the Mosser textbook. For the final paper, you will need to have five scholarly sources.

Address the following questions:

i. What are the ethical issues?
ii. Where are the breaches of ethical behavior?
iii. How could each ethical theory and perspective you cite help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?

View the Model Rough Draft of the Final Paper. Many students find that this template is helpful while completing this week's homework.

In your paper,

i. Present a discussion, not an outline.
ii. Describe at least two ethical theories and one ethical perspective.
iii. Identify a social issue and apply the theories and perspective.
iv. Explain how the draft will be further developed in the final paper.
v. Apply ethical viewpoints to an ethical question with support.
vi. Describe the major theory used.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

i) The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

ii) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

iii) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length

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Other Subject: Describe two ethical theories and one ethical perspective
Reference No:- TGS03082984

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