
Describe three technologies used in mobile networks


Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in the paper with a clear heading so that every bullet you are addressing in that section of paper. Support ideas with at least three sources i Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style and word count is 2000

Explain the concept of the data warehouse and the data mart. Describe how you would employ both architectures when carrying out big data analytics within the rm. Support your observations and recommendations with cited evidence from at least two sources. Describe in your own words the data lifecycle. Explain what it means to information technology managers as well as individuals who interact with data. Finally, discuss the three principles associated with the data lifecycle and provide a simple example to illustrate each. Briey compare and contrast the LAN, WAN, WLAN, and MAN networks. Include in your comparison a description of the expected bandwidth associated with each and explain what elements of the network are responsible for the increased bandwidth in the networks larger in scale.

Identify and describe three technologies used in mobile networks and briey discuss how the technologies you identify have evolved in recent years. Finally, identify at least one trend in mobile communication that may be expected to arise within the next 3-5 years.

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Computer Engineering: Describe three technologies used in mobile networks
Reference No:- TGS03312507

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