Describe three factors you might consider

Discussion Post: Evaluating Training Programs

For this Discussion, imagine that you are a personnel consultant advising a human resources manager who is contracting for the evaluation of a large training program. Presume the client is concerned about a serious organizational issue. Select one of the following scenarios that the training may address:

1) Workers in a nuclear power plant being lax in following procedures
2) Stress affecting airline pilots
3) Poor customer service by a large number of retail employees

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of the scenario that you selected. Then, describe three factors you might consider when proposing a training evaluation for your selected scenario, and explain why you selected those factors. Finally, describe the most important aspect of training to evaluate, and explain why it is the most important. Support your response with the Learning Resources and current literature.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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HR Management: Describe three factors you might consider
Reference No:- TGS03187388

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