Question 1: Describe three different hominid profiles from the available options. What is a characteristic of each species of hominid?
Question 2: Why was the discovery of Lucy important?
Question 3: How is Lucy different from modern humans?
Question 4: Why is the scientific method important for archaeologists?
Question 5: Why is careful excavation of a site important? How are fossils found?
Question 6: Describe at least three features humans have that encourage or allow for bipedalism?
Question 7: What are phylogenies? Why are they important when considering human evolution?
Question 8: Is there a "missing link"? Why or why not?
Question 9: Describe two of the major categories of Paleolithic tools. What does each category of tools include?
Question 10: Describe and discuss one thing you learned from the activity that you found interesting, surprising, or different.