
Describe three 3 branding strategies that you would employ



Staffing plan for growing business (daycare)

Staffing model

Staffing is an important function aimed at acquisition and deployment of workforce in the daycare. There are various possible staffing models that can be employed in recruiting new employees for the daycare. One of the possible models will be staffing quantity model.

This model simply involves looking at the projected staffing requirements and carrying it to the projecting staffing availabilities.

After the comparison, if it is identified that there are more availabilities and requirements than there daycare is overstaffed and when there are less availabilities and requirements then the daycare is understaffed. On the other hand, staffing system component is also another model that can be employed by the daycare (Heneman, Judge, and Kammeyer-Mueller, 2018).

This staffing model begins with joint interaction between the applicant and the organization. The initial stage in recruitment is the identification of the applicant. The applicant is then evaluated and assessed before finally being employed.

Out of these two models, staffing system component is considerably the best for efficiency, productivity and future growth of the organization. This model allows the organization to identify various applications and have opportunity to assess the best applicant who the organization feels have the best competencies that the daycare requires to enhance its profitability and competitiveness which is very critical for future growth of the daycare.

Major legal issues likely to be encountered while establish equal employment opportunities

It attempts to promote equal employment opportunity as well as diversity in the workplace; there are potential legal issues that are likely to be encountered. As described below

Discrimination: the constitution prohibits discrimination of individuals based on their races, gender among other differences. However, in order to ensure diversity in the workplace, the organization will be forced to consider to employing preferential selection so as to ensure racial and cultural representativeness in the workforce. This kind of approach is Likely to be misunderstood to mean discriminating some races and therefore likely to trigger legal concerns.

Equal payment; equal pay act demands that employer should offer equal pay for employees for equal amount of work done. While developing equal employment opportunities, this is one of the most important legal issues that is likely to be encountered

Duty to accommodate when building a diverse workforce, changes may be required in specific areas. Duty to accommodate refers to the legal responsibility of the employers to eliminate disadvantages to employees result from a policy, behaviors or physical barriers which may have significant effect on individuals who are protected under the law.

While using staffing system component in hiring new employees, maintaining transparency of the recruitment process will be very important. In order to promote transparency through this process one of the methods that will be employed is to publicly disclose selection criteria for the positions. In this model, therefore, assessment of employees will be done through panel of interviewers who will rank the applicants based on their identified skills and competencies. Publicly disclosing selection criteria, makes the applicants and other stakeholders informed and therefore follow through the selection process.

Tasks performed to identify analyze and develop job requirements

Developing job description will help the daycare to articulate the most important outcomes expected from an employee. Description of requirement informs the potential applicants of skills and competencies expected from them. In order to identify, analyze and develop job requirements and statement of responsibilities which will be included in the formal job description, the following tasks will be conducted

Organizational assessment: this assessment will aim at analyzing the effectiveness of the organization whole and identifying any possible discrepancies .This assessment will help to identify knowledge, skills, and competencies required by the institution to bridge the available gaps. Other than internal factors, this assessment will also take into account the external issues such as the changing employee demographs

Task assessment: this assessment aims at collecting information about particular job areas. This analysis will help in identifying important responsibilities, skills, competencies, and knowledge required to effectively deliver on particular job. This assessment will help in identifying possible gaps between existing competencies and those that the organization requires to enhance its performance and productivity.

Organizing the data collected from the assessments consistently: there is no particular format of job structure description. However, it is important to standardize all job descriptions within an organization so as to have similar appearance.

Organizing the collected data will therefore, involve developing title of the job, classification of the job under the under the fair labor standards act. This will then be followed by identification of compensation levels include maximum and minimum compensation expected. Other components of the description which should be identified include essential functions of the job described, required skills and experience as well as description of the physical demands

Addressing Employee turnover rates

Employees leave organization because of various reasons. For example, some employees leave organization due to personal reasons, other leave because of factors emanating from the organization.

A high turnover rate is likely to have negative impacts on the organization. For example, are likely to lead to demoralization of other employees or even loss of qualified and experienced employees who are important for the success of the organization (Braveman, 2016). With this knowledge, the following strategies will be employed in managing high rates of employee turnover in the organization.

Ensuring good working environment: the organization will emphasize on providing good working environment for it employee. Good working environment will include implementing safety standards which grantee employees of their safety while at work. On the other hand, good working environment will also involve creating a good working relationship between the organization and the employees. The management will aim at developing an environment which makes employees feel free and welcomed to work. Additionally, good working environment will also involve providing salaries that equates the labor provided (Braveman, 2016).

Motivating employees: the organization will rely on motivation as means of reducing turnover. This will involve rewarding employees for their exceptional efforts and contribution in helping the daycare achieve its objective. Incentives as well as promotion will be used as forms of motivation.

Good leadership: the organization will adopt democratic leadership style as means of reducing turnover. This kind of leadership encourages participation of every employee in the decision-making process. Employees, therefore, will take part in developing police which in turn will make them feel part of the organization and hence reduce turnover.

As its succession plan, the organization will encourage continuous training of its employees while on job. Continuous training of employees will primarily help in equipping the employees with skills and competencies necessary for leadership (Rothwell, 2016). This in turn will always ensure that other employees are always prepared to take over leadership


Braveman, B. (2016). Leading & managing occupational therapy services: An evidence-based approach. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company,

Heneman, H. G., Judge, T., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2018). Staffing organizations. Columbus, OH : Pangloss Industries

Rothwell, W. J. (2016). Effective succession planning. New York : AMACOM, a division of American Management Association,


In order to complete this assignment, refer to the scenario that you chose in Assignment 1.

Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of these assignments.

Using the scenario from Assignment 1, write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you:

Identify three (3) job requirements (e.g., needed certifications, previous work experience, external influences, etc.) that could apply to your chosen scenario.

Determine two (2) ways these requirements could impact staffing at your organization. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that you could utilize to ensure that all applicants meet the identified job requirements for your organization. Justify your response.

Outline a long-term recruitment plan that contains at least four (4) components, is aligned with your company's recruitment strategy, but also addresses possible job skill or credential shortages. Note: Consider concepts such as succession planning and hiring retirees.

Describe three (3) branding strategies that you would employ to attract qualified applicants to your organization.

Next, suggest three (3) communication methods that you would utilize to reach out to applicants. Predict the outcome of integrating your branding strategies and communication methods at your organization. Provide a rationale for your response.

Determine two (2) selection processes for recruiting new employees that could apply to your chosen scenario and then identify five (5) selection criteria that you could use when hiring new employees.

Next, analyze the effect of the five (5) identified selection criteria on long-term employee retention and preservation of organizational knowledge. Justify your response.

Suggest two (2) assessment methods that you could employ to select new employees for your organization and then analyze the validity and reliability of each method in regards to the job your organization is offering.

Next, identify four (4) job predictors that you believe can assess candidates' knowledge,

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Operation Management: Describe three 3 branding strategies that you would employ
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