Relationship Maintenance Survey
Describe things employees might do to maintain their relationships with their supervisors. Please indicate the extent to which each item describes how you currently (within the last few months) behave toward your immediate supervisor. If you indicate your level of agreement, write the appropriate number next to the item:
_____1. Ask about his/her personal life
_____2. Avoid showing negative emotion toward him/her
_____3. Am certain to follow his/her suggestions for doing work
_____4. Ask for his/her help even when I don't really need it
_____5. Share jokes or amusing stories with him/her
_____6. Avoid delivering bad news to him/her
_____7. Talk with him/her frequently even when I have nothing important to discuss
_____8. Speak up when I feel s/he has treated me unjustly
_____9. Treat him/her like a friend
_____10. Ignore his/her comments which might change our relationship for the worse
_____11. Talk about past work experiences we have shared
_____12. Avoid conflicts with him/her
_____13. Talk only superficially with him/her
_____14. Remain polite toward him/her
_____15. Follow organizational rules as closely as possible to avoid problems with him/her
_____16. Compliment him/her
_____17. Respond with a positive attitude when s/he asks me to do something
_____18. Make sure s/he knows when I have done a good job
_____19. Frequently offer my opinions
_____20. Sometimes stretch the truth to avoid problems with him/her
_____21. Share my frustrations with co-workers rather than with him/her
_____22. Tell him/her how I expect to be treated at work
_____23. Make a point to interact with him/her at social gatherings
_____24. Am sure to follow the rules s/he has established
_____25. Make it known when I am unhappy about something at work
_____26. Discuss any problems in our relationship with him/her
_____27. Make sure s/he is in a good mood before discussing important work related matters
_____28. Avoid direct criticism of him/her
_____29. Give him/her some of the credit when I do a good job