
Describe the working of checksequence method


Question 1- Write a getInt() method that takes as input a String prompt and a Scanner, and returns an integer. This method prompts a user for an integer. If the entered value is an integer, then it is returned. If it is not an integer, then this method must re-prompt until an integer is entered.

Question 2- Write a getLucasSequence() method that takes as input integer parameters p, q and n. Where p and q are Lucas parameters as de?ned above and n determines how many Lucas numbers are generated. This method returns an ArrayList of integers: Lpq(0),Lpq(1),Lpq(2),...,Lpq(n)

Question 3- Write a checkSequence() method that takes as input an ArrayList of integers, identi?es the ?rst i that is greater than or equal to 2 for which Lpq(i) ? i^4 and prints out: i : Lpq(i) i^4 If there is no such i, then this method must print out "None found"

Question 4- Write a main() method that uses the methods you have written to receive p, q and n from the user, prints out the resulting Lucas Sequence and then calls checkSequence().

Show the code, demonstrate it works properly and describe what it is doing.

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Computer Engineering: Describe the working of checksequence method
Reference No:- TGS0893777

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