
Describe the westphalian system and explain its importance

Attached is a digital copy of the book to be used to answer the following questions.

Below are the questions and their corresponding requirements.

Use only the material that corresponds to the chapter for that question in the textbook.

For each essay question, please go through the following checklist:

A total of seven to eightconcisesentences were used.

Material from the textbook was cited. You may use the following simple citation when citing the textbook: 1) D'Anieri (#-#), 2) (D'Anieri, #), where # stands for a specific page.

The question(s) was/were answered.

It is expected that an answer will have seven to eight concise sentences that answers the question(s), and has citation(s) from the textbook for the material used.

Please avoid giving very long answers, e.g., answers with ten or more sentences. Please also avoid using "I" and personal pronouns, e.g., answers should be written in the third-person in a standard academic format.

Chapter 2

Describe the Westphalian system and explain its importance in terms of modern international politics.

In what way did World War II cause a fundamental shift in global power? What was the effect of the war on the rise of U.S. power?Explain the rise of nonstate actors.Explain what the textbook means by "New World Order? Or New World Disorder?"

Chapter 3

--What are the basic features of complex interdependence? In what way does complex interdependence help or hurt our understanding of international politics, and why?

Power is an essential concept for both realism and liberalism. How do these two theories consider power? In what ways are their views similar from each other? In what ways are their views different?How do realists view morality? How do liberals view morality? What role(s) do they believe morality should play in international politics?Explain the prisoner's dilemma in everyday life, and how it is important to the theory of international relations.

Chapter 4

----Feminist theories of international relations remain on the edge of conventional academic studies and policy discussions. What are the primary reasons for this marginalization of feminist approaches?
Explain how identity is important to understanding international relations.How would a constructivist approach issues concerning inequality?

Chapter 5

1. The "CNN effect" refers to
Answer: ____
a.the loss of viewership of the three major television networks to CNN in the 1990s.
b.the environment in which news coverage is driven by profits.
c.the ability of the media to force governments to deal with an issue.
d.the expansion of the Internet as a news source.

Chapter 6

2. What part of the U.S. government has the constitutional authority to declare war?
Answer: ____
c.Secretary of State
d.Chief Justice

Chapter 7

3. A major objective of the United Nations is to
Answer: ____
a. solve global environmental problems.
b. protect the world's children.
c. promote peace and development.
d. solve the crisis in the Middle East.

4. The European Union was established in order to
Answer: ____
a. offset the power and wealth of the United States.
b. promote peace by binding countries together economically.
c. be the first step toward a world government.
d. create a European military to fight global terrorism.

5. Which United Nations component is the only one that permits its members to have veto power?
Answer: ____
a. General Assembly
b. Security Council
c. Secretariat of the UN
d. International Court of Justice

6. Although transnational corporations (TNCs) have existed for hundreds of years, today's TNCs are different in terms of
Answer: ____
a. pursuing global strategies for production, sales, research, and investment.
b. targeting only a few regions of the world.
c. having most of their products manufactured in just a few countries.
d. remaining politically neutral in most instances.

7. All of the following international organizations are transnational advocacy networks except
Answer: ____
a. Human Rights Watch.
b. Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
c. Greenpeace.
d. Doctors Without Borders.

Chapter 8

8. Which arms control treaty led to the restriction on states without nuclear weapons from obtaining them?
Answer: ____
a. Salt II Treaty
b. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
c. START I Treaty
d. Anti-Ballistic Missiles Treaty

Chapter 9

9. In which of the following countries in 1994 were approximately 800,000 people killed with low-tech weapons like rifles, machetes, and other improvised weapons?
Answer: ____

Chapter 10

10. When the European Union places restrictions on genetically modified crops because of the EU's concern for health, the U.S. government considers this policy as a form of
Answer: ____
a. fair trade.
b. free trade.
c. protectionism.
d. competitive devaluation.

Chapter 12

1. An important and controversial practice of the World Bank is establishing an agreement so that the borrowing country must agree to a set of requirements. This practice is known as
Answer: ____
a. conditionality.
b. tied aid.
c. structural adjustment.
d. foreign aid.

2. Although the price of oil and some commodities has increased in recent years, the price of most raw materials has declined. For countries that primarily produce raw materials, this development has led to
Answer: ____
a. declining terms of trade.
b. a rise in terms of trade.
c. opportunities to rely on inexpensive labor.
d. an increase in the export of raw materials.

Chapter 13

3. The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over all of the following crimes except
Answer: ____
a. genocide.
b. economic discrimination.
c. crimes against humanity.
d. war crimes.

4. The set of rules and obligations that states recognize as binding on each other is called
Answer: ____
a. international law.
b. international organizations.
c. international regimes.
d. international institutions.

5. Which of the following is not listed as a major source of international justice in Article 38 of the Charter of the International Court of Justice?
Answer: ____
a. International custom
b. The general principle of law
c. International conventions
d. Religious institutions

6. States generally are willing to enforce international law themselves because
Answer: ____
a. more powerful states could invade any state that breaks the law.
b. the International Court of Justice would decide against them anyway.
c. they tend to benefit from international law.
d. the United Nations would impose greater sanctions against those states.

7. Which of the following treaties guarantees the rights to participate in free trade unions and to gain an education?
Answer: ____
a. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
b. Montreal Protocol
c. Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
d. Treaty of Portsmouth

Chapter 14

8. The tragedy of the commons refers to the situation in which

Answer: ____
a. too many people live in a shared region.
b. each individual acts according to his or her individual interest, resulting in a collective disaster.
c. people try to work together to solve problems, but don't always succeed.
d. developing countries allow exploitation of natural resources by transnational corporations.

9. A situation in which a group of actors has a common interest, but cannot collaborate to achieve it is called
Answer: ____

a. a collective action problem.
b. a levels of analysis problem.
c. a rational action problem.
d. an expected utility problem.

10. The "Green Revolution" refers to the
Answer: ____

a. Iranian uprising in 2009 that still continues today.
b. dramatic gains in agricultural yields in many developing countries, caused by increased use of fertilizers, pesticides, and new crop breeds.
c. enormous Texas-sized algae bloom in the Pacific Ocean caused by overuse of fertilizers among agricultural producers.
d. None of the above is true.

Chapter 15

11. As a result of the blurring between international and domestic security, many countries have responded by passing controversial laws that have

Answer: ____
a. delegated efforts to combat terrorism to international police forces.
b. encouraged negotiated settlements with terrorist organizations.
c. eroded civil liberties and human rights.
d. eliminated all barriers to the flow of trade and finance across states.

Essay-Based Questions - Remember the requirements!

Chapter 11

What are the competing costs and benefits of globalization? In the wake of the global financial crisis of 2009-2011, how did various countries attempt to deal with the negative outgrowths of the crisis? Why did some countries argue that a sizeable economic stimulus was needed, whereas others argued for countries dealing aggressively with growing debt burdens? How did globalization confound advocates of either approach? Identify the major issues surrounding the World Trade Organization.

Chapter 12

What are some difficulties in defining and measuring poverty?Critically compare the three dominant strategies of economic development: import substitution, export-led growth, and state socialism. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy?What is bilateral aid? Discuss some of the many problems often associated with such aid, particularly from the point of view of the receiving country. Provide examples where possible.

Chapter 13

The United States invaded Iraq twice: in 1990 and in 2003. What were the main differences in the circumstances that resulted in these invasions?How exactly is the debate over universal human rights changing the current international norm of nonintervention? Why might certain actors assert the Westphalian system is indeed ripe for change? Why might others oppose intervention in support of human rights protection?

Chapter 14

What is a collective action problem? Provide examples. Also discuss why some collective action problems get solved, whereas others seem to resist resolution. What accounts for the difference?The text introduces several factors that inhibit international environmental collaboration. In particular, how are these factors especially relevant to countries in the developing world?What are some of the predictions regarding scarcity? Why haven't they come true? Do you think they will come true? Why or why not?

Chapter 15

The author argues that the change in the sovereignty of states is the most pressing and important of all emergent changes. What is the argument that suggests this view, and what is the countering argument?What are some of the ways in which power and purpose are changing?Discuss some common career patterns for those interested in an international career? What skills are particularly prized by government, business, and nongovernmental organizations?

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