Discussion 1 - Sampling
The most common sampling method is the convenience sample, therefore, many of the studies that you find for evidence use this sampling method. What are the implications for using a convenience sample on the way you interpret and use the findings?
Discussion 2 - Ethical and Legal Issues
Read one of the following:
Shepard, A. (2010). Moral distress: A consequence of caring. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 14(1), 25-27. doi:10.1188/10.CJON.25-27.https://search.ebscohost.com.proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2010552821&site=ehost-live
Stringer, S. (2013). Moral choices in end of life care for children. Cancer Nursing Practice, 12(7), 27-32. https://search.ebscohost.com.proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2012305853&site=ehost-live
Describe the ways the subjects were vulnerable. Is there any conflict of interest? Which protections should be put in place to protect these subjects from harm? What are the incidence and prevalence of moral distress in nursing today?