
Describe the ways state level judges are selected


State level judges are selected in two main ways: by election or by appointment. Election is simplistic. A pool of individuals run for appointment as a judge through their jurisdiction and are voted in by the people. Appointment has more variables. A judge can be appointed by the governor, the mayor, or a county executor, also known as a chief executive. There is commonly a two step to three step process when a judge is appointed. The process includes a qualified pool of applicants reviewed by the chief executive and the chief executive then chooses a nominee which is reviewed by the state senate. In some instances where a merit system is used for selection, a judge will be selected and serve for one year, then go through a retention election process to stay on the bench for the remaining years.

Federal judges are appointed by the president and confirmed in by the United States Senate. The vote for confirmation must be a majority vote by the house and the judge will be appointed for a lifetime term. Federal judges may stay in office for life based on good behavior and typically leave office early based on retirement or death. The only way for a federal judge to be removed from office is by impeachment.

I do agree that federal judges should serve for life. This allows them to make fair and impartial decisions based off law. They also do not have to fear being fired for a ruling on a case that did not favor politics. A life-time position allows them to abstain from politic ties and rule based solely on the law.

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