
Describe the way these adaptations have affected workers

Your paper should be between 3,000 and 3,750 words in length, which is about 12 to 15 pages using a typical font and spacing. You should consult at least three outside resources, and this information should be properly documented according to APA guidelines, with a Works Cited page and proper citations. Your paper should tie together and synthesize concepts from the course and analyze relevant sociological concepts. Your paper should acknowledge changes in the workplace over time. Your paper should analyze ways that global, economic, social, and cultural trends have influenced the workplace Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts studied in this course. Your paper should have a clear thesis and controlling idea. Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified; it should also be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Choose one of the following topics for your final paper. From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present day, the structure and culture of the American workplace have been affected by many forces, among them capitalism, technology, globalization, and issues of equality. Describe these forces in detail and analyze their impact on the structure and culture of the workplace. OR As the American workplace has adapted its structure and culture to outside forces, the adaptations (such as location of jobs, changes in needed job skills, and organizational restructuring) have had an impact on employees and their families. Describe the way these adaptations have affected workers and families and analyze the responses of workers and families.

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Dissertation: Describe the way these adaptations have affected workers
Reference No:- TGS02342778

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