Educate Mary about sexual assault (date rape) cases, statistics and date rape drugs. • Explain why not prosecuting the cases is the wrong public and social policy. Provide crime statistics reported by Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) relating to rape and the strengths and weaknesses of each type of reporting. • Define the term date rape (or acquaintance rape; the terms are interchangeable) and how date rape is distinguished from stranger rape, statutory rape, and spousal rape. • List the types and uses of date rape drugs. • Describe the victim-offender relationship, including the following • How victims are viewed by perpetrators of date rape. The special problems of date rape prosecutions. • How society and jurors may view date rape (e.g., blaming the victim based on the perceived precipitation, facilitation, or provocation of the victim). Use a case example (see resource for this assignment).