Question: 1-(a) Describe the various environmental forces that affect marketers and their programs.
(b) What environmental forces may affect Chobani, why and how?
2. Describe the value proposition that a consumer would consider in evaluating your term project product/service.
3-(a) Looking at the marketing mix, how do the elements relate to a product being introduced into an EU market rather than the US market?
(b) What would you need to change your group project and why?
4-(a) Where would you need to interact with other functional areas (e.g.. finance, accounting, management, operations) in a company to get a new product from marketing into the marketplace?
(b) How would you interact with each discipline (functional area) in marketing your group project?
5-(a) Describe the consumer purchase decision process,
(b) Using your term project product, discuss how a consumer would go through the process to purchase.
6-(a) Describe the differences between secondary and primary research and explain how each is used for optimal marketing results.
(b) Describe what you used/are using your term project and what you got/want to get from it.
7-(a) Define market segmentation and note the bases on which marketers segment
(b)Discuss why segmentation is such a key marketing concept
(c) Discuss how your team chose the market segment(s) for your group project.
8-(a) Describe the Product Life Cycle, provide examples of products in each phase and explain how marketers use this concept.
(b) Be specific regarding the 4 p's and other strategies and tactics.
(c) Describe how Diffusion of Innovation fits with PLC. Use your group project as an example.