
Describe the various components of medicare and what each


Q1.) Describe the legal role of patient autonomy in healthcare. What does this mean for the refusal of healthcare? Where does this right derive from? Describe how healthcare providers should handle a patient refusing life saving treatment. What role does autonomy play in minors?

Q2.) Describe the various components of Medicare, and what each part does. What are the pros and cons of these components, and what needs improvement?

Q3.) Identify the components of a professional negligence, medical malpractice lawsuit. Then describe each component and what must be proven on each. Then identify which of the above components are necessary in order for the plaintiff to win a malpractice lawsuit.

Q4.) Other countries control utilization of health care services through rationing, and do so successfully. Do you believe that this country should ration health care? Make your argument for or against rationing of health care, and how it would affect society either way.

Q5.) You are a pharmacist. You recently purchased a gross of an antibiotic from a secondary pharmaceutical wholesaler. A patient last week came in and said the pill tasted funny, and never dissolved. Concerned, you had the pill tested and found it was compressed drywall powder coated in highway paint.

What is going on here? Is this a big or common problem? Does the FDA handle these matters or does some other agency?

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Dissertation: Describe the various components of medicare and what each
Reference No:- TGS02485636

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