
Describe the value of grand nursing theory

Question Option #1: In a paragraph response, share a specific example of how reflecting on a nursing theory can help you identify and understand your personal nursing reference points. Include an example of how this conscious consideration of nursing theory could influence your nursing practice moving forward. Support your scholarly discussion with rationale and reference to appropriate course readings.

Question Option #2: In a paragraph response, describe the value (meaning, significance, importance) of grand nursing theory within nursing's theoretical knowledge. As part of your response, provide a clear, specific and creative example of how grand nursing theory might inform contemporary nursing practice. Support your scholarly discussion with rationale and reference to appropriate course readings.

Question Option #3: In a paragraph response, discuss how a theorist's unique definitions of the nursing metaparadigm concepts influence what the theory draws attention to and what it obscures. As part of your response, share one (1) clear, specific, and creative example of how this understanding of a theory might be of importance to your own nursing practice. Support your scholarly discussion with rationale and reference to appropriate course readings.

Question Option #4: In a paragraph response, explain why you would consider not including the teachings of Florence Nightingale and/or her Environmental Model as part of our nursing discourse. Provide two (2) clear, specific, and creative examples that reflect the conversation around nursing's knowledge development as part of your response. Support your scholarly discussion with rationale and reference to appropriate course readings.

Question Option #5: In a paragraph response, explain why there is a call to decolonize nursing knowledge development. Provide two (2) clear, specific, and creative examples that you and/or nurses more broadly can contribute to this call-to-action, with respect to nursing's knowledge development work moving forward. Support your scholarly discussion with rationale and reference to appropriate course readings. Want Assignment Help?

Support your scholarly discussion with rationale and reference to appropriate course readings only.

  • You should use APA 7th edition format for citations when referring to specific authors or resources in your response. For each short-answer question, your response should be between two hundred to two hundred and fifty words count.

(Please use this Reference when answering the questions):

Krum K.S. (2024, April 30). Self-care deficit nursing theory as patient empowerment: Can we remove the embarrassment from urinary incontinence. Nursology.

McKenzie-Henry, I.A. (2022, December 9). Feeling like a nurse - self defining the moment. Nursology.

Smith, M. (2022, December 20). The focus of the discipline of nursing. Nursology.

Burns, R.J. (2024, April 16). Integrating nursing theory with technology: Enhancing patient care in the digital age. Nursology.

Chinn, P.L. (2022). Decolonizing nursing knowledge. Nursing Philosophy, 23, 312410.

Carey, T.A., Binagwaho, A., & Khanyola, J. (2020, July 9). Beyond Florence Nightingale: How African nurses have decolonised the profession. The Conversation.

DiGregorio, S. (2023, May 2). The problematic myth of Florence Nightingale. Literary Hub.

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