
Describe the use of tracking devices bank notes and a

Current Applications and Events

The goal of this assignment is to provide a perspective on applications of computer engineering. Write a two or three page. single spaced paper on one of the topics below. You paper must include the following:

A. A summary of the original article(s).

B. Your response to the question related to your article. Responses should include findings from the articles provided and other references.

C. Select three terms and write a paragraph describing what each means. These terms should be related to electricaticomputer engineering. digital design, this course (memory. FPGA. ASIC, algorithm. microprocessor. etc)

D. Your references. You can utilize sources like Wikipedia or How Stuff Works to help you with understanding the topics. However, you must include at least two references from the engineering/technical literature.


1. Mobile Health Apps. One article discusses mobile health apps and the second discusses upcoming regulations future regulations for those apps. (https://spectrumieee.org/biomedical/devices/how-i-quantified-mvself and https://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/the-fda-takes-on-mobile-health-arys). What is the potential impact of FDA regulations on the measurement gadgets/apps in How I Qualified Myself?

2. Trojan Horses: Two articles describe efforts to prevent counterfeit chips and investigate the integrity of electronics (https://spectrumieee.orn/semiconductors/devices/plant-dna¬vs-counterfeit-chips and https://specmunieee.oresemiconductors/desitailthe-hunt-for¬the-kill-switch ). How does the potential use of plant DNA address some of the concerns for trapdoors?

3. Tracking: Two articles describe the use of tracking devices bank notes and a soccer ball (hnto://spectrum. ieee.orrthrodcast/computinn/embedded-systems/trackable-banknotes-at¬last and https://spectrunlieee.orplcomputineembedded-systentskill-soccerball-tracking¬ever-reach-its-goal ). What is the potential impact of these two technologies?

4. Data Mining: Two articles describe the use of consumer data to make recommendations (https://spectruntieee.org/computing/software/deconstructing-recommender-systems and litto:llspectrumieee.ort/computine/software/the-million-dollar-orottranuning-prize How do you think these recommender systems are transforming buying decisions?

5. Automotive Electronics: Two articles describe the Automotive Black Box and Automatic Cars (littp://spectrumieee.orpicomputinfilembedded-systems/the-automotive-black-box-data-dilemma and httn://spectrtutieee.orpAreen-tech/advanced-cars/the-filture-of-driving-isless-boring ). How are these innovations related and how are they expected to change the automotive world in the next ten years?

Below are general guidelines for writing technical documents:

1. Writing Style: The style is formal and should avoid the use of slang. It should not read like you are talking to your friend.

2. References: All references should be cited at the point in which it is used as shown [1]. In a separate section called References, a MI listing including the author, title, publisher (or URL), date. etc must be included. Any figures. tables or graphs used must also be labeled and cited in this manner. For this paper. citations can be automatically formatted on Son of Citation Machine' using the style called Chicago, which is used by IEEE (the leading electrical engineering publisher).

3. Crediting Work: All work submitted is expected to be in your own words. If you must use "cut/copy and paste." then you are committing plagiarism. Do not use quotes. instead rephrase the main idea and cite the source as described above.

What to Submit:

1. Submit using the link on Blackboard. Do not submit via email. Each paper will be passed through SafeAssign. the built-in plagiarism checker in Blackboard.

2. Each student is expected to submit an individual assignment with at least one general reference and two engineering references.

1 - (https://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/how-i-quantified-myself



2- (https://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/devices/plant-dna-vs-counterfeit-chips



3- (https://spectrum.ieee.org/podcast/computing/embedded-systems/trackable-banknotes-at-last



4- (https://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/deconstructing-recommender-systems



5- (https://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/embedded-systems/the-automotive-black-box-data-dilemma



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Other Engineering: Describe the use of tracking devices bank notes and a
Reference No:- TGS01512600

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