Completing the Evaluation and Critique:
After attending the public meeting, formulate an essay that clearly addresses each of the following points:
-Describe the meeting and its purpose, including an overview of the topics discussed.
-Describe the way in which public participation was incorporated into the meeting agenda.
-Identify where the participatory techniques utilized fall along the public participation continuum discussed in class, and whether the techniques were appropriate for the meeting in your opinion.
-Describe the types of stakeholders (economically, geographically, use-value, or philosophically impacted) who participated in the meeting, and the types of concerns they voiced.
-Describe the observed dynamics that developed among the participants at the event.
-Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the participatory process that took place at the event.
-Finish with a brief conclusion on the lessons learned from attending the public meeting.
Essay should be roughly 2 to 3 single-spaced pages in length, and should be written in essay format (i.e. include an introductory and concluding paragraph, and content paragraphs consisting of well-structured complete sentences).