
Describe the type and stage of the family

Assignment Problem: Family Observation Assignment - Life Span

Select a family, of two or more individuals, that you can observe closely for a brief period. While observing the interactions of the family members, answer the following questions:

Question 1: Describe the type (i.e., nuclear, single-parent) and stage (i.e., childbearing stage, grown-child stage) of the family.

Question 2: Describe their culture/ethnicity.

Question 3: What is the specific role of each individual? What patterns do you observe?

Question 4: Where is each individual in their life span? (i.e. Toddler, Early Adulthood, Late Adulthood).

Question 5: Choose two members in the family of different ages/different phases of life span and for each individual describe:

Main physical characteristics (common for their age group).

Their developmental milestones (i.e., motor, psychosocial, sexual, cognitive, moral);

Nutritional needs/issues.

Sleep and rest needs/issues.

Exercise and leisure activities/needs.

Safety issues/concerns.

Health promotion issues.

Question 6: What are three strengths unique to this family?

Question 7: What stresses can be identified during this observation?

Question 8: What are two outside support systems available for this family?

Question 9: What three interventions that might enhance this family's coping abilities.

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Tags: Family Observation - Life Span Assignment Help, Family Observation - Life Span Homework Help, Family Observation - Life Span Coursework, Family Observation - Life Span Solved Assignments, Health Promotion Issues Assignment Help, Health Promotion Issues Homework Help, Safety Issues Assignment Help, Safety Issues Homework Help, Nutritional Needs Assignment Help Nutritional Needs Homework Help

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Other Subject: Describe the type and stage of the family
Reference No:- TGS03031534

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