Question 1. Describe the three ways a client can reference a name from a namespace in C++.
Question 2. Suppose someone designed a stack abstract data type in which the function top returned an access path (or pointer) rather than returning a copy of the top element. This is not a true data abstraction. Why? Give an example that illustrates the problem.
Question 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ability to change objects in Ruby?
Question 4. What are the disadvantages of designing an abstract data type to be a pointer?
Question 5. Explain the dangers of C's approach to encapsulation.
Question 6. Why didn't C++ eliminate the problems discussed in Problem 2?
Question 7. What are the arguments for and against the Objective-C design that method access cannot be restricted?
Question 8. What are the arguments for and against the C++ policy on inlining of methods?
Answer these questions in details and give examples to support your rationale.