
Describe the three main types of coral reefs discuss the


Part 1

1) Discuss the adaptations of intertidal organisms for coping with each of the following environmental stressors:
a) Wave shock
b) Temperature variation
c) Oxygen stress
d) Dessication

2) Describe four categories of estuaries based on geomorphology and give an example of each

3) Describe four categories of estuaries based on patterns of water circulation and give an example of each

4) Discuss coral reefs

a) Describe the environmental conditions required for coral reef formation
b) Describe the three main types of coral reefs.
c) Discuss the factors that contribute to high primary productivity in coral reefs
d) Discuss the factors that contribute to high species diversity in coral reefs

5) Define the following terms: euryhaline, stenohaline, osmoconformers, osmoregulators

Using this week's assigned readings (and maybe an occasional peak at Google) you should be able to find the answers to your assigned discussion question. You must write one original post for your own assigned discussion question and two replies two other students' posts. Each post should be at least 100 words in length. For full credit, link to a webpage that pertains to the subject.

Part 2


1. The closest living relative of the cetaceans is the:

a. Beaver
b. Elephant
c. Hippopotamus
e. Sea otter
e. Walrus

2. The closest living relative of the sirenians is the:

a. Beaver
b. Elephant
c. Hippopotamus
e. Sea otter
e. Walrus

3. All of these are adaptations of intertidal organisms for coping with low temperatures

a. Antifreeze compounds
b. Compact body form
c. Dark coloration
d. Ridged shells

4. The symbiotic algae found living in coral reefs are called:

a. Coccolithophorids
b. Diatoms
c. Dinoflagellates
d. Phytoplankton
e. Zooxanthellae

5. Animals that can live in a broad range of salinities are called:

a. Eukaryotic
b. Euryhaline
c. Polymorphic
d. Stenohaline

6. These sense organs enable sharks to detect electrical fields:

a. Ampullae of Lorenzini
b. Apical organs
c. Lateral lines
d. Ocelli
e. Semicircular canals

7. The skeleton of hagfish, lampreys, and sharks is composed of:

a. Calcium phosphate
b. Cartilage
c. Hydrated polymerized silicic acid (opal)
d. Spongin

8. The type of life cycle in which an individual initially is a male and then turns into a female is called:

a. Heterospory
b. Protoandry
c. Protogyny
d. Simultaneous hermaphroditism

9. Vertebrates with a water-proof egg that can be laid on land are called:

a. Amniotes
b. Amphibians
c. Choanates
d. Sarcopterygians
e. Teleostomes

10. The zone of rapid increase in salinity is called the:

a. Halocline
b. Isocline
c. Pycnocline
d. Thermocline

11. Organisms that adjust the salinity of their body fluids to that of the external medium are called:

a. Ectotherms
b. Endotherms
c. Homeotherms
d. Osmoconformers
e. Osmoregulators

12. Openings in the roots of mangroves to allow gas exchange are called:

a. Blastopores
b. Pneumatophores
c. Spiracles
d. Stomata

13. The muscles of diving mammals have abundant quantities of this molecule which stores] oxygen for deep dives:

a. Chlorocruorin
b. Hemeryhtrin
c. Myoglobin
d. Myosin
e. Tropomysoin

14.Estuaries carved by glaciers are called:

a. Bar-built estuaries
b. Coastal plain estuaries
c. Fjords
d. Tectonic estuaries.

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Biology: Describe the three main types of coral reefs discuss the
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