Problem: For this discussion, read the short PDF about Alice Walker and Jeffry Dahmer (in the Week 1 Folder).
Using these admittedly brief histories, attempt to consider and apply the following concepts that are introduced in the theories review chapter.
1) First, consider the terms equifinality and multifinality. What do these terms mean to you? (Use your own words, if possible.) Discuss whether or not either term may be used to understand the diverse life trajectories of these two individuals. If not, please attempt to provide an example of a developmental outcome from your life or your experiences - (or from fiction or film if you prefer), where one of these concepts can be applied meaningfully to understand the trajectory of development.
2) Next, consider the assertion made in the text that "...most developmental psychologists believe that children actively shape, control, and direct the course of their own development." Consider and discuss this notion, using these "cases."