
Describe the temporal orientation

Assignment Task:

Qanash, S., Al-Husayni, F., Falata, H., Halawani, O., Jahra, E., Murshed, B., Alhejaili, F., Ghabashi, A., & Alhashmi, H. (2021). Effect of electronic device addiction on sleep quality and academic performance among health care students: Cross-sectional study. JMIR Medical Education, 7(4), e25662.

Okano, K., Sakamoto, Y., & Taniguchi, T. (2022). The relationship between sleep quality, duration, and consistency with academic performance in college students: An objective analysis using wearable activity trackers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(3), 479-494.

Lueke, N. A., & Assar, A. (2022). Poor sleep quality and reduced immune function among college students: Perceived stress and depression as mediators. Psychological Reports, 129(6), 2397-2418.

Foulkes, J., Jones, D. M., & Scott, H. (2023). Exploring the factors influencing sleep quality among first-year university students: A thematic analysis of campus life experiences. Journal of -Adolescent Health, 72(1), 112-118.

Using thesis studies describe why it is non experimental, describe the temporal orientation, describe why it is analytical, describe if its qualitative and quantitative then describe the methods such as what outcome measured, how it was measured and how data was collected. Incorporate all the studies in one paragraph. Looking for Course Help?

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Reference No:- TGS03446131

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