
Describe the task being performed when the risk might occur

We all face potential hazards in our workplaces and in our homes. Ideally we can eliminate or control many of these; however, if and when they occur, a Risk Assessment Plan is our best defense. To understand the preparation and use of such a plan, consider your past or present workplace or your home.

1. Identify at least three possible risks that exist in your workplace or home.

2. For each of the three or more risks:

• Describe the task being performed when the risk might occur (washing dishes, moving a desk, etc.).

• Locate where the risk may occur (office, garage, etc.).

• Describe the hazard type (shock, fall, etc.).

• Summarize the consequences of the risk (death, fire, etc.).

• Prepare a description of how to control the hazard once it occurs (dilute, neutralize, etc.).

• Choose what personal safety equipment, tools, or other items that should be readily available in advance of the hazard occurring.

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Other Subject: Describe the task being performed when the risk might occur
Reference No:- TGS01063395

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