
describe the supra cardiac type of tapvc after

Describe the Supra Cardiac Type of TAPVC ?

After connecting the baby to cnrdiopulmonary bypass, the common pulmonary venous channel is dissected. This lies behind the left atrium posterior to the parietal pericardium. The vertical vein which connects the common pulmonary venous channel to the left innominate vein is dissected and looped. An 18 C circulation is arrested after administration of cold blood cardioplegia. Incisions are made on the common pulmonary venous channel and posterior wall of the left atrium. Wide anastoinosis is made between these two using 6 '0' polyproplene sutures. Right atrium is then opened and PFO or ASD closed. Rewarming is done after re-establishing CP bypass. The vertical vein is ligated.

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Biology: describe the supra cardiac type of tapvc after
Reference No:- TGS0275664

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