Eukaryotic Cell Walls, Cytoplasmic Membranes, and Cytoplasm
1. Describe the structure and function of the following eukaryotic cell organelles. Be able to identify them in a drawing or micrograph.
a. cell wall e. nucleolus i. lysosomes
b. cytoskeleton f. rough ER j. vacuole/vesicle
c. centrioles/centrosomes g. smooth ER k. mitochondria
d. nucleus h. Golgi body (apparatus)
2. Describe the cell membrane of eukaryotic cells. Compare to prokaryotic cells. Include the terms below:
a. membrane rafts c. endocytosis e. pinocytosis
b. pseudopodia d. phagocytosis f. exocytosis
3. Describe the similarities/differences in the following structures between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells:
a. glycocalyces d. ribosomes f. cytoplasm
b. flagella e. chromosomes g. photosynthetic machinery
c. cilia
4. Explain the endosymbiotic theory for the formation of eukaryotic cells.