
Describe the steps you took to refine your search results

Description of Topic

This worksheet explores the online resources available from Drexel University Libraries (https://library.drexel.edu/). It will give you hands-on experience in searching, evaluating, and annotatingappropriate references.An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to scholarly research articles, books or book chapters, reports, newspaper or magazine articles, and textbooks. Each citation is followed by a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) describing and evaluating the resource and its relevance to your topic. The primary purpose of the annotation is to inform readers of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources.

NOTE: Writing an annotation is NOT copying or paraphrasing the abstract or summary of the resource. It must be your original work and it must show that you have critically read and reflected on the resource!

Library Lab

Requirements:Complete the worksheet (below) and include 2 annotated references in either APA or MLA format.

Summon is a Drexel University library search tool that allows you to find high-quality resources that are available online. In this worksheet, you'll explore some features of Summon and create two annotated references on an informatics topic of your choosing.


Step 1: Pick a domain of informatics that you find interesting (e.g. medicine, business, law, music, sports, education, entertainment, etc.). Your search terms should reflect the topic you are interested in; e.g., if the domain of your interest is medicine, you might be interested in electronic health records or some other healthcare information systems. Your search terms should reflect this interest, e.g., "electronic health records systems medicine".

What is the domain you'll be focusing on for this assignment? What search terms might be useful for this topic?

Step 2: Go to this URL and watch the video (~5 min.) on "Using Summon to access library resources".

Step 3: Go to the library homepage (https://www.library.drexel.edu/) and enter your search term(s)from Step 1 into the Summon search box that appears in the center of the page.

How many search results were returned?

Are you happy with the initial results you got? Why or why not?

Step 4: Out of this initial set of results, your goal is to find 2 scholarly articles (full text) thatwill be useful in helping you understand your chosen domain of informatics in greater depth. Use one or more techniques that you learned from the Summon video (i.e. narrowing by ). Keep track of the steps you are taking to narrow your results.

Describe the steps you took to refine your search results (e.g. any filters you applied, sorting, etc.). How many results were returned in each step? Did you have to refine your search terms to get additional results? If yes, what new search terms did you use?

Step 5: Select 2 scholarly articles that help you understand your chosen domain in greater depth. This may require browsing or skimming through several articles - do not simply pick the first two search results! Note: to view the full article you will be prompted to enter your Drexel Email Username (e.g. xyz28) and your Password. Your authorization to view electronic resources will remain in place until you close your browser.

What are the titles of the 2 articles you found? How did you choose them out of your list of results?

Step 6: Read the 2 articles and create an annotated bibliography. Remember, each citation (in APA or MLA format) is followed by a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) describing and evaluating the resource and its relevance to your topic. The primary purpose of the annotation is to inform readers of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources. You can find several examples of annotated bibliographies at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03/.

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Management Information Sys: Describe the steps you took to refine your search results
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