
Describe the stages of adult development theories

Case studies:

Probable life stages: - Erikson’s (personality) - Marcia’s (personal identity) Levinson’s (stages of Adult development theories)

Part 1: Nathaniel

Erikson suggested more socially oriented stages: trust ,autonomy, initiative, identify, intimacy, generativity, integrity. However the underlying theory is the same: if a person has an unsatisfactory experience at one stage , they will continue to try to deal with this developmental issue for the rest of their lives until they gain some insight into it.

Marcia's theory (The Achievement of Personal identity)
(He is well liked by his congregants and does he best to help all those who seek assistance....)

Identity Diffusion

Identity Foreclosure-committed yourself to an occupation and various ideological position but show little evidence of having followed a process of self contruction . simply adopted the attitude of others without serious searching and questioning. Have foreclosed on the possibility of arriving at your own unique identity.(he might be struck in this situation )

Identity Moratorium

Identity Achievement - having a firm and relatively secure sense of who u are. Have made conscious and purposeful commitment to your occupation, religio , belief .. Have considered the views , beliefs and value held by others in achieving this identity, but have to branched out to achieve your own resolution.

Levinson's Theory: Stages of Adult Development.

6 stages of Adulthood : Seasons of Man's Life

Age 30 Transition (28 -33) change occur in life structure, either a moderate change or more often a severe and stressful crisis.

Problem with Levinson's theory -difficult to apply in today's context..tend to have goals which are more difficult to achieve. Fluctuating economy..etc.

Nathanial - 32 years old > fall under Erikson's theory: Love- Intimacy vs isolation.(might not apply to his case)

Erikson does note that the time identify crisis for person genius is frequently prolonged . he further note that in our industrial society , identify formative tends to be long, because it takes us so long to gain the skills needed for adulthood's in our technological world .So we do not an exact time span in which to find ourselves. Itsdoesn't happened automatically at 18th or 21st . A very approximate rule of thumb for our society would put the end somewhere in one twenties.

Smooth sailing life transition. /systematic life processes.- went directly from sch to train as a priest. Only ever wk as a priest.

Hence has never encounter much difficulties in life

However, he felt " living a lie" trying to resolve a major issue in life - lost faith a yr ago. No longer believe in God - struggled and understand ( contradicting .. )

He thinkthat "he should leave the priesthood but felt overwhelmed by challenges that will confront him if he does". ( held up by his ethic and sense of responsibility.. )

Part 2: Jerry

45 year old (erikson's -Generativityvs stagnation- middle adulthood)

Self-owned a construction business

Married twice had a child with his second wife - child is married (not able to commit in long term relationship)

Currently living with his third partner , Glenda(unmarried -and a 12 yrs old son with her)

Struggled to keep accurate business records - did not make tax return for 10 years ($56000), was demand to pay back.-Caused Glenda to be unsettled & unhappy (poor financial management skill

Large mortgage on house - come close to bankruptcy on 2 occasion in the last 8 yrs.

Over weight& in poor health (not a health conscious person, did nothing to improve his health condition despite his poor health)

Father died 4 yrs ago mum in gd health 80 yrs old leaving alone.

Marcia's theory -Identity Moratorium

Currently having an identity crisis(turning point) do not have clear commitment to society or a clear sense of who u are. But trying to actively reach that point

Identity diffusion essentially lack of direction. u are unconcerned abt political , religious, moral or even occupation issues. You go on your own way not worrying abt why others are doing and what they are doing.

Levinson's Theory: Stages of Adult Development.

6 stages of Adulthood : Seasons of Man's Life

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