Problem: Address the following regarding the Broadway production film Hamilton:
1) Identify the production - when it was done, who designed, who directed, for what Theatre Company etc.
2) Describe the space of the performance - for what kind of theatre is it designed? How does the space effect the design?
3) Consider the position of the audience. How is the audience included or excluded from the action on or around the stage?
4) Where are the power positions in the design - how are they used in the production?
5) What is the central message in this production? How dow the design support or undermine it?
6) Consider the principles of designing and compostion. How are they employed in this design.
7) Paying special attention to the colour palette - can you discuss the colours used and if they adhered to a specific palette.
Throughout the process of answering these questions, keep in mind:
How does the design serve the intention of the production?
Hint - to answer this you must decide what the intention of the production is.