
Describe the social issue or policy chosen

Assignment Task: A writing assignment is a requirement in Texas Government courses. As per syllabus, completion of a writing assignment is essential to satisfactory outcome of this course, as it is worth 100 points toward your final grade. Your paper must be submitted on or before Wednesday, October 5th.

1. Identify either the State House of Representative or State Senator who represents the district where you reside.

2. Choose three social issues or public policies. One affecting the state, one affecting the county and a local/city issue.

3. A minimum of a  word letter to either your State House of Representative or State Senator that

  • Describes the social issue or policy chosen
  • Identify its impact on the various level of government in which you are presenting it from.
  • Propose possible solutions for the social issue or policy chosen and
  • Uses language suitable for communicating with a legislator.

4. The letter or email should be appropriately addressed to the State House of Representative or State Senator

  • Introduction mentioning the three issues
  • Three supporting paragraphs...one for each issue
  • Conclusion

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Other Subject: Describe the social issue or policy chosen
Reference No:- TGS03249647

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