DISCUSSION QUESTION 1: Discuss the viticulture of Australia, New Zealand, Chile and South African wines, and the aspects that make each of the signature wines unique. Incorporate the wine regions while elaborating on the rise of the these countries wines in awards and popularity.
Using the Wine/Food Pairing link below, create 5 pairings from Australia, New Zealand, Chile and South African wines. Choose one from each country. The fifth pairing can be of your choosing from any of the above countries. Do not repeat the varietals used. Incorporate the pairings into your answer. State why you are choosing each wine and food in the pairing.(MINIMUM 500 WORDS)
Wine/Food Interactive Pairing Guide
DISCUSSION QUESTION 2: Discuss the viticulture of Champagne, sparkling wines, sherry, port and other sweet wines. Include the aspects that make each of the signature wines unique. Incorporate the wine regions while elaborating on the rise of the these wines in awards and popularity.
Using the Wine/Food Pairing link below, create 5 pairings from Champagne, sparkling wine, sherry, port, and another sweet wine. Do not repeats the varietals used. Incorporate the pairings into your answer. State why you are choosing each wine and food in the pairing. (MINIMUM 500 WORDS)
Wine/Food Interactive Pairing Guide
DISCUSSION QUESTION 3: Choose A champagne or sparkling wine and taste it using the Zraly 60 Second Wine Expert method. Analyze it's use with hors d'oeuvres and/or desserts. Report your findings and identify the hors'duerves paired with it.(MINIMUM 300 WORDS)
Describe the situations that you would ever use a dessert wine? Describe the production process for making the dessert wine. Make sure to list references. (MINIMUM 250 WORDS).