Marketing Mistakes
Do some research online and find an example of a company that recently (within the last 18 months) has had to respond to charges of marketing unsafe, unhealthy, exploitative, overpriced or otherwise non-satisfactory products or services.
Describe the situation - and the outcome (which might still be in process). What could this company have applied from the insights of the Laufer and Coombs and/or Swartz article?
- Daniel Laufer and W. Timothy Coombs "How Should a Company Respond to a Product Harm Crisis? The Role of Corporate Reputation and Consumer-based Cues," Business Horizons, September-October 2006, pp.379-385.
- Swartz, J. (2010). Timberland's CEO on Standing Up to 65,000 Angry Activists. Harvard Business Review, 88(9)