
Describe the similarities and differences between yourself

Choose an individual in your life you are familiar with; for example, a parent, a sibling, a friend or classmate, a member of your extended family (cousin, uncle, etc.). Compare and/or contrast your development with the individual you have chosen using ONE of the theories discussed in class (e.g. Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, Kohlberg's or Gilligan's theory of moral development, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, Bandura, Cooley or Bronfenbrenner.). Using the theory you have chosen, describe the similarities and differences between yourself and the individual you have chosen. Conclude with your understanding of how your chosen theory explains the similarities or differences you have just described.

Please have a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation with 5-10 slides. Your presentation should be between 3-5 minutes long in length. Use APA style. need formal outline"

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Other Subject: Describe the similarities and differences between yourself
Reference No:- TGS01161224

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Anonymous user

4/26/2016 2:15:49 AM

These assignments have to complete with Maslow's Hierarchy of requires, Bandura, Cooley or Bronfenbrenner. Select an individual in your life you are familiar through; for instance, a parent, a sibling, a friend or classmate, a member of your extended family (cousin, uncle, and so on.). Evaluate and/or contrast your development via the individual you have chosen using ONE of the theories conversed in class (for example Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, Kohlberg's or Gilligan's theory of moral development, Maslow's Hierarchy of requires, Bandura, Cooley or Bronfenbrenner.). Using the theory you have chosen, describe the similarities and differences between yourself and the individual you have chosen. Conclude via your understanding of how your chosen theory describes the similarities or dissimilarities you have just described.