
Describe the significant factors underlying the issue

Assessment Task: Individual Self Reflective Journals

1) Assessment Details

You are expected to write three (3) "reflective journals" on the themes, issues, challenges and/or approaches to Managerial Skills covered during the course. The reflections may focus on critical incidents or class activities that surprised or challenged you, an analysis of why this event was significant in relation to your personal (managerial) practice, connections with other relevant ideas or experiences, the consequent learning's and consideration of how you might try to apply or test your insights in other situations.

Each reflective journal should be between 800 and 1000 words excluding references and/or any appendices that may be included. While reflective journals are largely based on your own ideas and self-analysis "written in your own words", standard referencing (APA style) requirements apply.

Information on "reflective journals" is available on Moodle.

Stage Questions to get you started

Reporting (and responding)

Describe the issue that interests you.

• Why is it relevant? Or important to you?

• Respond by making observations, expressing your opinion or asking questions


Make a connection between this issue and your own skills, experience or knowledge of the discipline area

• Ask: have I seen this before? Or something like this?

• Do I have the skills and knowledge to deal with it?

• Have I met anyone who voiced an opoinion about this? Have I experienced anything like this? Or discovered (researched) anything about this?

Reasoning (making sense of)

Describe the significant factors underlying the issue

• Explain and show why they are important to understanding the issue

• Refer to research you have done to support your reasoning

• Consider different perspectives:

o what might other people, with different views or values think?

o What are the ethical questions involved?


What might you do in the future?

• How might I deal with this issue in the future?

• Are there different options? What might others think?

• What might happen if....?

• Are my ideas supported by the research?

• Can I make changes to benefit others? Do I want to?

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Other Subject: Describe the significant factors underlying the issue
Reference No:- TGS01118079

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