
Describe the significance of the genealogy of jesus

Jesus as seen in the Old Testament

Consider the following questions:

1. Describe the significance of the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Matthew's Gospel.

2. What does Jesus teach about in His Olivet Discourse and what does He state concerning His return in His Second Advent? (Matthew 24-25)

3. What is the Great Commission Jesus charged His disciples to carry out after His ascension? (Matthew 28:16-20)

4. Explain the meaning of the phrase "God with us" as mentioned in Matthew 1:18-25.

5. Explain how Jesus used the Old Testament in His ministry.

6. What was the first miracle Jesus performed and where was it done? What impact did the miracle have on His disciples? (Matthew 16:13-20)

7. What three illustrations does Jesus use in His parables of lostness? What is the reaction when the lost are found? What do these parables tell us about God's perspective of the lost? (Luke 15)

8. Identify four Old Testament prophecies about Jesus and indicate how Jesus fulfilled them.


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Other Subject: Describe the significance of the genealogy of jesus
Reference No:- TGS01913545

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